The purpose of the referral process is to provide timely and effective support to initiate an appropriate plan of action for students at various levels of need. The School Counselor recognizes the contribution of all members of the school community including educators, parent/guardians, and students in the identification of early warning signs. School counselors, as well as school nurses, school resource officers, and other school professionals, provide valuable input in identifying and providing students assistance.
A referral is made to the School Counselor when a concern for a student arises. Possible sources of referrals may include self-referral by students experiencing a problem, concerned peers, parent(s)/guardian(s), teachers, administrators, and/or other school personnel. Emergency interventions are required in those situations that need immediate attention (e.g., peer concern abouth the personal safety of aother student, death of a family member or loved one, physical and/or sexual abuse). The School Counselor may determine that other resources would be appropriate, including referral to other individuals within the school system, such as the school administrator, school nurse, and/or special services personnel. An outside referral may be necessary when an issue presented is beyond the scope, training and/or expertise of our school disctrict personnel. As an identified mandatory reporter, the School Counselor, as well as faculty and staff, has a legal obligation to report suspected abuse or neglect.
Steps in the Referral Process
STEP 1: Concern for student arises
STEP 2: Student is referred to the School Counselor/concern is identified on the referral form(s).
STEP 3. Once a concern is identified, the School Counselor uses objective and subjective data to assess the situation and determine the level and type of intervention to be taken on the student's behalf.
Possible Interventions:
1. School Counselor In-School Interventions
2. School Counselor makes referral to In-School Resource(s)
3. School Counselor makes referral to Community Resource(s)
STEP 4: Interventions are implemented and the student's progress is monitored. The student's response to the intervention will be reassessed and the intervention plan modified as needed.
STEP 5: To follow up with the referring individual, the School Counselor maintains contact the the referring individual.
Throughout the referral process, the School Counselor observes the guidelines of confidentiality as well as family privacy as mandated by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
School Counseling Referral Form